The purpose of this study was describe the perceptions of human resources professional regarding the value of an online MBA from a for profit university and to compare this perception to the perceived.
The Distance Learning MBAvalue of an MBA from a traditional ongoing university. This purpose was addressed in three parts:(1) The study developed a general or aggregate description of perceptions of a group of HR professionals.(2) The study described differences in the perceptions of human resources professionals based on independent criteria such as age, industry location, familiarity with online learning and for-profit universities.(3) The study described the perceptions of acceptance of online MBA degree from for profit and traditional universities in the framework of innovation diffusion theory. Research luxedigitaluniversity  the development of specific research question, an extensive review of current literature was used to identity particular evaluation themes and issues facing higher education, online learning, for profit universities and online learners. The following question emerged and guided this study:(1) What is the demographic profile of HR professionals who participated in this study?(2) What are the perceptions of human resources professionals regarding job applicants with Distance Learning MBA degrees from for-profit universities?(3) What are the perceptions of human resources professionals regarding job applicants with online MBA degrees from for-profit universities compared to applicants with MBA’s from traditional universities?(4) What relationships exist between the perceptions of human resources professionals and key demographic variables?(5) What distribution patterns of perceptions of online and traditional MBA’s emerged in the framework of innovation diffusion theory?The Changing Educational MarketStudents seeking a higher education enjoy many more choices than did their parents. Universities offer now degree programs in varied and specific fields including areas like sports marketing and gaming management. However it is not simply the fields of study that may be new but also the manner of study. Options for traditional students who have difficulty attending day classes or devoting year of study to obtaining a degree have grown exponentially. Limitations, Delimitation and Assumptions of the StudyThe following limitations were accepted for this study:1. The study was limited to only those Human Resources professionals that were members of HR at time the sample was selected. This membership constitutes the study’s population and bounds the study’s generalizations. Only to the extent that the HR population represents the broader national population would generalization beyond HR member be appropriate and this undetermined at this time.2. The responses to the survey questions were anonymous and therefore did not provide the opportunity to ask follow up question seek clarification on any voluntary comments or attempt ot increase return rate through follow-up personal contact. This may have limited both data density and return rate.3. The study’s data were limited to HR professionals who volunteered to participate in the study. The self-selection process may have biased this sample and could limit the generalization of findings.